Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hawaii Highlights

Hawaii was more beautiful than I remembered, and our vacation there was even better than the last. We saw our friends, became godparents, hiked, swam in the ocean, hung out at the beach, went to a luau, saw sea turtles, visited Maui, ate a lot of sushi, and more.

The trip went so well, until something really strange happened. We were having a great time relaxing on a beach in Waikiki, and the next thing I know we were on a plane heading home. It was quite the cruel trick.

Apparently when I booked the dates for our trip, I forgot to put the return date as never. And even though I knew the trip was supposed to be for just 10 days, I thought that somehow it might turn into something longer, like say, forever.

Regardless, we had an amazing time. And I took a lot of pictures. (And by a lot, I mean 221, plus 2 mini-videos.)

Here are a few of the highlights:

A great view overlooking Honolulu.

A sunset near our hotel on Waikiki.

Of course, I had to post at least one beach picture.

And finally, here is one of my happy (yet sandy) feet. I realize I must be getting really brave to show the entire internet my feet. (Perhaps the warm Hawaiian heat has fried my good judgment, along with Husband’s now sunburned shoulders.)

More pictures and stories to follow…


biteme444 said...

oh i love your pics! great shots!

hubs has spent so much time in Hawaii "working" but I have yet to go. The more I read from people who have just been the more I want to go!

Britni said...

It really isn't fair is it :( I hated coming back from the cruise and Florida, and now I don't have any more warm trips planned all summer. I think someday I may have to move to a warm place so it really does become never. Glad you're back.

Kimberly said...

great photos! I'm looking forward to our vacation next week. Unfortunately, it will not be to a sandy beach!

Kristen M. said...

Hawaii is on my "to do" list. Beautiful pictures and I'm glad you had a fantastic time.

wendy said...

Sounds like you had a great trip! I'm so glad you enjoyed it here. We love Hawaii!

Unknown said...

Love your Hawaii pictures!