Thursday, July 2, 2009

They're back

We thought there was a truce, but apparently not. Last night we saw our first scorpion since the infamous scorpion incident. I saw him moseying through our foyer, and I immediately alerted Husband. (Is it bad to say that one of my favorite parts of marriage is having someone to kill bugs?) Seconds later, the scorpion met his demise: death by flight boot. Let’s hope that’s a lesson to his little friends.


d.a.r. said...

Yuck, yuck!!!! I couldn't deal with that! I hope he didn't have any little friends...

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Ekkkk! I would have been screaming for someone to kill it as well!!!

Annie said...

Living in Oregon does have its advantages!

Allison said...

I think having someone else to kill scary bugs is one of the best benifits of being married.

Last week there was a giant texas spider in the bathtub and I woke my hubby up to kill it.

We do what we gotta do.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I get antsy over granddaddy long legs and silverfish, although they don't bite, but one crawled on me in the night one time and freaked me out. We did have a brown recluse in the house two summers ago and a black widow nestled in our out building...But, dayum, scorpions?!? I'd probably wet my pants and move to Oregon with Annie.

And, yes, that's what husbands are for. Along with taking the trash out, washing my car, and mowing the yard. Or is that just at my house?

Be well....

The Mrs. said...

die, i would die if i saw one of those. And we live amongst some creatures around here, but really, a scorpion. yikes.

Megan said...

That's scary! Glad to hear that he's gone!