Thursday, November 13, 2008

Look! Cheap Gas!

I was so excited about the falling gas prices that I had to take a picture. This means that our wallets finally get a little break.

But, it also means that I’ve somehow turned into one of Those People that Take Pictures of Gas Prices.

I’m not exactly sure what’s involved with this new identity, but I think that soon I’ll be talking about the “good old days” and I’ll say things like “I can remember when I paid less than [insert ridiculously low price here] for gas!”

By the way, a man saw me taking pictures of the sign, and I think he laughed to himself. I have proved once again that I am willing to embarrass myself for good blog material. You’re welcome. :)


Ann M. said...

Heh! Thanks!

We were practically doing a victory dance when it was only $2.45 a gallon near my parents' in NY!

Joanne said...

Oh you've gotta love blogging! I whip out the camera all the time, too, much to my family's dismay. But hey, wow, under $2.00!! Definitely camera-worthy.

Anonymous said...

HaHa!! I know what you mean about the camera. I never thought I would see prices this low again. I actually started looking around because I was worried about prices going up and found this site I won't be paying $4 again anytime soon...

wendy said...

Wow, under $2.00! I thought I was getting a good deal yesterday at $2.69....

Anonymous said...

$1.83 here in Memphis!

Amy said...

i'm obsessed with watching gas prices in my neighborhood- it's a weird little hobby...