Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Blogday

This little blog just turned 100-posts-old. Never when I started did I think it would last longer 2 posts, but here we are. Cyberspace is probably not changed because of it, but I know that I am. I know it’s customary to write a “100 things about me” list for the 100th post. But, just thinking about it caused me a lot of worry. I agonized about what “things” to include. What would be important enough or interesting enough to make the list? For example: Do people really want to know that I don’t have my ears pierced? Or, that I do have a scar on my knee from an unfortunate tennis accident in high school? (By the way, I do believe I’m the only person that’s sustained an injury from playing tennis. Single’s tennis. I tripped and fell, and I think I heard my mom audibly gasp in the crowd.) Or, will people want to know that I once broke my arm in 7th grade playing basketball? (Again, I think I heard my mom gasp in the crowd.) I then considered writing a few Top 10 lists of my favorite places and things I’ve done. But it all seemed forced. Instead, I’m writing an abbreviated version of the “100 things about me.” Consider this the Cliff Notes version of Tootie: - I’m blessed with an amazing family. I could brag about them for thousands of posts. But, since this is supposed to the short version, I’ll just say that they’ve given me so much joy in my life, and they have profoundly shaped the person that I am today. - I love to laugh. Jerry Seinfeld is my favorite comedian. Husband and I saw him perform live once. Until then, I never knew what a pure joy it was to laugh for two straight hours until your stomach hurt. - I served in the military for five years after college, and it’s one of my proudest accomplishments. I learned so much about myself, our country, leadership, and service. And, as a priceless bonus, I met the love of my life (Husband, of course) in the military. - Believe it or not, deploying to the Middle East was probably one of the best experiences of my life. Never in my life have I had so few comforts, but yet had so much gratitude. It was humbling and eye-opening, and I will never forget it. - Mother Teresa is one of my heroes. My favorite quote of hers is: “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” - Husband and I took an amazing cruise for our honeymoon of the Mediterranean. We visited Italy, Greece, and Turkey. - My husband and my dad are both pilots. When they are together, there is much talk of altitude, engines, altimeter settings, and other things I can’t quite decipher. - I’ve always liked writing of some sort. At age 8, I wrote my first book, “Tall Tales,” (published only in the notebook I wrote it in) that included stories about a bracelet, a friendship, and, of all topics, insurance fraud. (I know. I was a strange kid to write about that last one.) - I started keeping a journal when I was a teenager, when I wrote almost every night. I filled up about 10 journals, probably full of all sorts of teen drama. I continued keeping a journal of some sort until last year, when I started this blog. With that, I think I made a secret wish of my mother’s come true who used to watch me write in journals and wonder what I wrote about. Now she knows, and now all of you do, too. - Since I got out of the military, I’m working on my Master’s degree. Truthfully, I’m not exactly sure what I’ll do after I finish my Master’s, but I trust that I’ll find whatever I’m meant to do. - I like yoga, sushi, books, photography, reading, magazines, balloons, traveling, and dark chocolate. - I love the beach and everything about it - the water, the sand, the birds, the sky, the footprints. Some of my favorite memories are being at the beach. - People fascinate me, which probably explains why I love people-watching in airports and reading other people’s blogs. - I always stop at lemonade stands because I remember what it’s like to be that kid hoping that someone will stop. - My husband lives to make me laugh (in his own goofy way), and I live to laugh at his jokes and antics. - Cooking has never been my strong point, but I’m slowly learning and I’m enjoying the process. Maybe I should add, “I fib” to the list, since this seems longer than any Cliff Notes I remember. Regardless, happy blogday to my little blog. Thanks for reading about my life and letting me into your lives, too! And, if you need an excuse to eat cake today, feel free to use my blogday as an excuse.


Ann M. said...

Happy Blogday! Very informative post :) And I think I will have some cake today in honor of your blog.

Britni said...

Happy blogday. Sounds like you've had a full and wonderful life.

Kimberly said...

Happy 100! I just celebrated mine as well! It goes by so quickly!

Bon said...

Happy Blogday! I didn't have cake, but I did have peach cobbler, does that count?

Jenna said...

Happy Blogday! You are such a great writer! You had me laughing over here!!

Leslie said...

Happy 100th post!

I had no idea that it's customary to write a 100 things about me list for your 100th post. I didn't do it. Oh well.

wendy said...

Happy 100 day!

I'd love to hear more about your deployment.

And you are going to love the sushi here. Mmmm. Have you ever had Spam Musubi? It is like sushi for big Hawaiian boys. A big hunk of rice, with a slice of spam on top, wrapped in sea weed. You gotta try it...

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th post to you too!!