Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just add water (and a miracle)

Maybe because I’m overly optimistic. Maybe because I’ve conveniently forgetting my sorry gardening past. Maybe because the thought of having fresh, ripe tomatoes on my doorstep sounded too good to pass up. I bought a tomato plant today. It seems easy enough to take care of such a simple plant. But then again, my mom gave me a few of her “easy” plants and told me, “It’s impossible to kill them!” only to find them dead a few months later. [She didn’t believe me when I told her on the phone (“I’m sure they’re fine!”), but when she visited, she saw for herself (“Oh wow, you really did kill them!”)] On a positive note, I guess I’m proving that anything is possible! Regardless, I’m hoping that this time I find gardening success. If not for my sake (and the sake our salads that are just begging for fresh tomatoes), then for the sake of this little guy:


Stephanie said...

You should get one of those upside down tomatoe things. all you have to do is water it and you don't have to worry about making sure it is all staked up and not drooping! Good Luck!

Megan said...

Good luck! I have such bad luck with plants, mainly because I don't water them!

GypsiAdventure said...

Good luck! I'm trying with a few of my own this summer so we can have homemade salsa...fresh tomatoes are OH SO YUMMY!

jlc said...

Lots of luck hun!!

Sorry to say I have a black thumb.

Anonymous said...

good luck! I want to try my hand at tomatoes and herbs this summer too! keep us posted!

nanny said...

OK, get a big pot and lots of miracle grow.....and water daily/ha

Lindsey said...

Aww good luck friend!!

Rebecca said...

I am just like you! I can't grow anything. I kill every plant I plant. It's so frustrating, especially since I have parents who are great gardeners!